Ivan Thompson, my uncle, died in England a little over a week ago.
His committal took place this afternoon in Garvagh, County Londonderry.

That was it.
There was no wake, no service in the church, only one garland of flowers, no friends or former colleagues. Not one of his four grandkids, nor his two daughters. And most poignantly of all, not even his wife, my auntie Liz!
The guidelines are in place for a reason.
Follow them!
If people continue to ignore them the rules will become even tighter as the death toll from the virus becomes increasingly severe and perhaps even gatherings for committals may be banned!
Ignore the rules and there will be many more loved ones die because of the coronavirus than otherwise would not have. Flouting them may not impact you but it could harm a loved one, a neighbour, a stranger. All of who the Bible declares we are to love and treat with compassion.
In this case, loving them = not doing anything that might kill them!
Don't be an idiot.
However, that's not the point of this blog post.
There are even more significant issues at stake.
Eternal ones.
As news of Ivan's passing became public and spread, I got a text message forwarded to me from someone I used to work with who now worships in a Presbyterian Church on the North Coast. It was from another member of the congregation. Part of it read...
"Those of us who had daughters at Coleraine High School remember Ivan as a great teacher and friend. We remember him fondly."
Around the time I was finishing my A-Levels I had a circle of friends that included quite a few former pupils of Coleraine High School so I know full well this to be true, and perhaps even somewhat of an understatement! Everyone's first comment when the name Ivan Thompson was ever mentioned was 'he's so lovely!'
He was.
They may not have known it (though many did) but what they were seeing was Jesus Christ in and through Ivan.
So, what would Ivan, & Jesus, want you to take from all of this.
Simply this…
“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Luke 12:4-5
In the fourth verse of the popular modern hymn "Yet not I but through Christ in me" we read these words
"With every breath I long to follow Jesus
For He has said that He will bring me home
And day by day I know He will renew me
Until I stand with joy before the throne".
This was my uncle's testimony. This IS his reality. He, like the repentant criminal on the cross, is with Jesus today.
It was a respiratory disease that killed Ivan Thompson's body but that is all it could take. His soul was hidden with Christ a long time ago.
He ran the race marked out for him (or should that be skied the run?) well to the end.
We have a distance yet to run.
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